Main Courses        10 April 2024        80         0

Succulent Chicken Delicacy

Succulent Chicken Delicacy

  • Chicken (whole or parts): 1 kg, a versatile base
  • Onions: 4, sliced into half-moons for sweetness
  • Garlic Cloves: 10, crushed for a pungent kick
  • Milk: 200 ml, adding tenderness
  • Sour Cream: 10 tbsp, for creamy richness
  • Flour: 1 tbsp, to thicken the sauce
  • Khmeli-suneli: 1 tsp, for a Georgian flavor twist
  • Sugar: 1 tsp, to balance the taste
  • Salt: to taste, for seasoning
  • Fresh Herbs: to taste, for a burst of freshness
  • Vegetable Oil: for frying, ensuring a golden sear
  1. Onion Preparation: In a skillet heated with vegetable oil, sauté the onions until they turn golden brown. Transfer the sautéed onions to a separate dish and set aside.
  2. Chicken Searing: Cut the chicken into pieces, opting to remove the skin if you prefer a lighter dish. Season the chicken with salt. In the same skillet used for the onions, sear the chicken over high heat until each piece is beautifully golden on all sides.
  3. Combining Layers: Reintroduce the sautéed onions to the pan with the chicken. Stir gently and allow to simmer for a few minutes over low heat.
  4. Creating the Sauce: Blend the flour with milk, stirring in the sour cream, pressed garlic, khmeli-suneli, and salt to form a smooth mixture. Pour this sauce over the chicken in the skillet.
  5. Simmering to Perfection: Add enough water to just cover the chicken. Simmer on low heat for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally to ensure the sauce thickens beautifully and coats the chicken uniformly.
  6. Final Touch: Once the chicken is tender and the sauce has reduced to a velvety consistency, fold in finely chopped fresh herbs for a vibrant finish.

Serving Suggestion: Present this succulent chicken dish hot, surrounded by its creamy sauce. It’s an extraordinary way to enjoy chicken, transformed by the rich flavors of sour cream, aromatic spices, and herbs.

Bon Appétit! Delve into this sumptuous chicken creation, where each bite offers tender meat enveloped in a lusciously thick sauce, making for a comforting and satisfying meal that’s sure to impress.


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